Patricia A. MacAulay
I focus my efforts on three key aspects of children's emotional lives. Of course, there are multiple other elements to consider and many additional helpful perspectives. Here is an overview of resources that you may find helpful as you nurture and support children.
It Didn't Start with You - How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle
Adults and children may have distressed feelings related to the traumas experienced by previous generations and even unconsciously relive key aspects of family tragedies. This can be baffling and disconcerting for all involved and points further to the potential futility of attempting to get to ''root causes'' of children's behaviour rather than simply offering care and support. Mark Wolynn offers approaches to understanding and transforming these longstanding family patterns.
The Aboriginal Healing Foundation was established to provide resources to promote reconciliation and encourage and support Aboriginal people and their communities in building and reinforcing sustainable healing processes. The document linked here describes the intergenerational transmission of historic trauma and examines the implications for healing in a contemporary Aboriginal context, beginning with contact in 1492 through to the 1950s, with a primary focus on the period immediately after contact.